Frequently individuals are stuck previously and can't acknowledge reality, the present, and modernization circumventing them. The character of Emily Grierson in William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily†is one from this classification of individuals. Emily Grierson was a weird character with recognized attributes. From the perspective of many, she is an insane lady since she slaughters her sweetheart so as to keep him always with herself. Miss Emily Grierson is a static character that is secured her previous existence. She can't change herself and move on with the wheels of time. William Faulkner, using different images showing passing and rot, depicted a lady whose life closes some time before her demise. The first and one of the huge images of death and rot introduced in the story is Miss Emily’s house itself. The look, setting and climate of the house furnish us with the highlights of death and rot in Emily’s life. The road where her home is found has changed totally with the exception of Miss Emily’s house.